20 November 2009

Still waiting. And still scared.

I even went to check last year's posts and results. It also came out at about the same time.
Theory on Tuesday.
Silver-or-not (qualification into practical round) result out on Friday.
Practical round on the next Thursday.
Final results are out on Boxing Day, a late Christmas present.

Nervous. Anxiety.
I'm not supposed to be scared. I've alread told a few time, if I can get into the next round, thank God. If not, I think I've done pretty well enough for a bronze so I don't need to get upset. End of story.
My heart and my mind doesn't seem to be listening to this bullshit.

Need to do something to distract myself.

I think I just need to know the result, although I may not be in for the next round. But at least like that I can finally 死心. I can rest my mind and put all my negative emotions to an end.

Mr Yip, faster leh...
I think I'll go Blogthings and do quizzes to distract myself. Yup that's what I'll do.

See you soon. Hope the result that I post will be a positive one. It's either I'm in, or I'm not.

Let's think positive. Ya let's.

My heart needs to be soothed.

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