30 July 2007

The Untitled Piece


AND to think that there's a AMATHS TEST this Wednesday.

AND a SOCIAL STUDIES TEST this very friday.

That leaves me NO time to study at all.


Still have to complete my E Maths homework now so as to catch some sleep tomorrow.


P.S. to all my dear readers and fans *ahem* out there... I AM NOT A TOFU-EATERRR!!! I'M EVER SO INNOCENT!!!!!! O.o

(Reponses from 'fans' and friends: Yea Right ((: )


22 July 2007

This Is Crap.

While drawing and scanning ang wasting my whole weekend, I've been reflecting and pondering. There is this question that makes me wonder: Whether copying some other work and making it your own wrong?

It's just that I'm thinking whether people cannot copy CLAMP's work of anime/manga of Tsubasa Chronicle and all, just because people find it nice? Maybe I should go and post the question at Yahoo! Q&A site.

Anyways, here are some drawings that I LIKE, by no mean of Plagiarism:



Sorry for the disappointment... I cannot seem to load any of the pictures in any way.

So, let's just have some faith that next time I will be able to load them! :)

...and be able to REMEMBER to load them. ;)

-lalala I'm sAntAgAl~

12 July 2007

Art Attack!!!

This is somehow seen and drawn out from somewhere...

These however, are my own creations. Despite the failure in my first attempt, I'm just glad that these are at least my own work.

All in all I am very tired all week long and could not put my mind into doing anything useful. I'll try harder from now. >(